
December 17, 2014


Last week a friend put a posted Facebook and shared what he was shopping for this Christmas His list was about the intangible things we can give, not the physical things.  (“I’m hoping for doors I can hold for handicapped, Christmas music to remind everyone how to live, etc.”)    He asked everyone to share their list.  So in the spirit of Christmas I am sharing my list.

Please share your list in the comment section below.  Then share this post with others and ask them to share their list too!

present-150291_1280I’m going Christmas shopping not for presents but for presence, so we can learn to appreciate what we have right now.

I’m going shopping for belief in ourselves and in our personal gifts, so we can achieve greatness.

I’m going shopping for the magic oil that turns out fears into lessons so we can grow.

I’m going shopping for time because we have so precious little of it and it’s our most valuable commodity.

I’m going shopping for vision, because without it life becomes stagnant.

I’m going shopping for discomfort, because when we are comfortable, nothing we can create nothing great.

Let us know below what’s on your shopping list!

Believe, Decide, Act

Read Bearj’s last blog post by clicking here.

Bearj Jehanian is a Maximum Potential Speaker and Trainer.  Click here to connect with Bearj.