For many of us, the hardest person to convince that we are worthy, smart, able, and successful is our self. We want more out of life. We hope for it. We wish for it. We dream about it. Many times we try to be, do, and have more. But we also are very adept at self sabotage. Some of us have become professionals at sabotaging our every move toward success with a counter move to ensure we stay right where we are. There are many things we simply have to stop doing, to have a clear path to being a high achiever.
Let’s face it, plenty of people will put up road blocks for us, we don’t need to help them place the detour signs, traffic cones, and warning lights all around us. We can’t control other people, but we can control ourselves. So here is a list of things you must STOP doing today, if you want to have a clearer path to achieving your dreams, hopes and desires.
Stop watching the Nega-News.
Stop believing others are destined for success but you are not.
Stop drifting through life without written goals.
Stop thinking small.
Stop hanging out with people who are not a positive influence.
Stop settling for the person you are now.
Stop quitting everything you start.
Stop making excuses for your failures.
Stop the idle water cooler chit-chat.
Stop wasting your time on people and things that waste your time.
Stop convincing others.
Stop your poor eating habits.
Stop caring about what other people think or believe about you, even if some of it’s true, because you can change!
Stop saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I’ll do it as soon as.”
Stop the negative behaviors that you know sabotage your success.
Stop having more belief in others than you do in yourself.
Believe, Decide, Act.
Read Bearj’s last blog post to learn how to set your success goals now.
Bearj Jehanian is a Maximum Potential Speaker and Trainer. Click here to connect with Bearj.