As a new teacher in 1986, a trusted colleague once told me, “you are a shoot first, ask questions later type of person.” I did not take it as a compliment. I was young and foolish with a huge ego. It was my way or the highway. Believing it was everyone else who had an “attitude,” I was slow to learn. But thanks to the mentoring of a few people who somehow saw something in me, I began to get control over my emotions and see things more clearly. It finally clicked in when I learned “when emotions are high, intelligence is low.” That spoke to me. I definitely wanted to be thought of as intelligent and NOT emotional. This spoke to my ego and forced the change.
There are a plethora of complications that arise when we decide things based more on emotion rather than intelligence. That’s not to say that intuition doesn’t have a role to play. It does. In fact it has a big role. However, intuition must be measured and under control. It’s roots are based on facts and past experience, not feelings alone.
Your emotions determine how you view life. When things go wrong, we use emotions to explain it to ourselves rather than facts. That’s never a good road to go down.
Emotions are like a roller coaster ride. They can change from moment to moment. They can cause us to feel too high and too low about our circumstances. Prompting us to react considering only the now and make decisions that provide short-term gains, but usually long-term losses. Imagine if you were on a treacherous stretch of a roller coaster ride and jumped off, without considering that it would be over in another 30 seconds?
If you lead with emotion, your “self talk” will be out of control. Our brain believes what we tell it. If we are constantly sending mixed signals, your brains reactions will also be mixed and confusing. What you believe about yourself is paramount to your success. Input positive, measured, intelligent, information and your will be a wise decision maker creating a string track record of incredible results. On the other hand, if you input irrational information peppered with highs and lows that are out of control, you will have a similar legacy.
You can keep your emotions in check by having the proper amount of quality rest and nutrition and by being on target for goals that are aligned with your life’s purpose.
Emotions have a place in your road to success. Our emotions can fuel us and drive us to achieve. We need them to drive us to our goals. When a rocket ship burns fuel, it does so in a controlled and calculated way, driving it to its destination. Without that controlled burn, the results would be disastrous.
It’s the bottom of the 9th inning in the 7th game of the World Series. You are on the mound. You need just one more out to clinch the championship for your team. Will you think with your emotions, overthrow, and lose control of the ball? Or will you use your intelligence to exploit your opponents weaknesses with your strengths?
Believe you can stay in control and have the intelligence to make smart choices. Decide to make emotions your fuel for greater results. And take intelligent action oriented steps every day.
If you missed last weeks post on Physical Health, click here to read it now.
Bearj Jehanian is a Maximum Potential Speaker and Trainer. Through a combination of inspiration and online tools, Bearj inspires his audiences to build a foundation of belief, to support a decision to act on any idea and bring it to completion. Believe, Decide, Act. You can find out more about Bearj here.