Personal development is the key to unleashing the power that resides deep with each of us. Success is not a thing we can touch. It can’t be bought or sold. We can’t give it to someone or take it away. Success is who we are; who we create ourselves to be. It resides within each of us and it is up to us to unleash that person from within.
Find a successful person and I’ll show you a reader.
I believe reading a good book is one of the best ways to develop yourself. Sit down to read each day for just 10 – 15 minutes and you will change your life. You may say that you don’t have the time to read. I would argue that you don’t have the time NOT to read. We are all given precious little time here on earth and it’s our obligation to make the most of it. Letting phrases like “as soon as” or “I’ll get to it when” all eat away at days, months, and then years that could be used to create an incredible life and lifestyle.
I know some of you are readers too. Let everyone know below in the comment section, what books have had a profound impact on your life. I’ll be sure to comment back!
Here are my 3. What are your 3?
1. “Failing Forward” by John Maxwell
We all have times when we feel things are hopeless; like no one else has gone through what we are going through at that particular moment. What John Maxwell teaches in this book is that we all go through failures. And failure is a necessary part of success. The road to success is full of failures, mistakes and triumphs. Read “Failing Forward,” and learn to embrace the path to success.
2. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki
While the majority of the population has probably already read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” I believe it is worth a mention here if only for the transformative value of the content. In the process of changing the way you think about money, Kiyosaki also massages the part of your brain that gets you to think in a new and different way. It’s a wake up call of sorts. A definite must read.
3. “The Tipping Point” by Malcom Gladwell
If “Rich Dad” is tranformative, “The Tipping Point” is mind altering. But if you are looking for a how to” book, this isn’t it. Gladwell describes with stories and facts, how various movements and events reached a tipping point that created ultimate success. From Paul Revere to the reemergence of Hush Puppies, “The Tipping Point” is fascinating, educational, and inspirational and will compel you to think outside the box.
All of these books challenged me to think in a new and different way. They were a starting point for me. I challenge you to find your starting point and create a culture of personal development in your life.
Those are my 3. What are your 3? Please comment below!
Bearj Jehanian is a Maximum Potential Speaker and Trainer. Click here to learn more.