Belief Part 3: Have a Daily Affirmation
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Daily Affirmation
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- Positive Self Talk: There are enough people who will tell you what you can’t do. Don’t join their party. Be your own cheerleader!
- Positive Minded People: A friend of mine says, “If you can’t change the people around you, you need to change the people around you. Get around positive minded people. They will wear off on you. How cool is that?
- Get Past Your Past: Learn from your past, don’t dwell on it.
Step 2 to building ROCK SOLID – Self-Belief will push you just a little toward the edge of your comfort zone. But that’s a good thing…….RIGHT?
Building self-belief, or changing your self-belief, is a process. As Jim Rohn said, “To have more, you must first become more.” That’s the reason most people who win the lottery lose it all within a few years. Their context is not big enough to fill their content. Affirmations are a way to expand your context to handle your content. In today’s show, I teach 3 important points about creating an effective affirmation. If you are a subscriber, you will receive the two super important bonus tips that add the special sauce to you affirmation and make it light years more effective.
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Get comfortable with saying a daily affirmation and you will begin to see a change in your mindset, mood, and intention.
It’s time for you to Rock It![/fusion_text][fusion_text]
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